• The 3 part Series

    Coming Home To You

Embrace your authentic self..

Are you ready to break free from the emotional patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back? It's time to reconnect with your true essence and live a life of harmony and fulfilment.

To fully trust and embody your highest self and knowing in order to fully trust and live in each moment, with harmony, balance, and peace.

In the empowering online program, Coming Home to You, I’ll guide you on a transformative journey in three powerful parts.

Part One

Connect To Your Calm

  • For the Woman who are ready to embrace their authentic selves and break free from limiting patterns.

  • For the Woman who is seeking to deepen their relationship and love for themselves.

  • For the Woman who want to release emotional patterns and beliefs that have created disconnection and distrust within themselves.

Part One focuses on the physical self, helping you release the emotional patterns and beliefs to create a deeper connection & trust within self. Through deepening your relationship and love for self, you'll learn to trust in your innate wisdom and intuition. We become so attached to emotional patterns that are based in fear, we don’t even realise we are constantly in the state of fear and the distrust we feel within our bodies. When we find the safety, calm and connection from within we are able to express our full authethic self. Discover the peace, harmony, grace, and ease that are available to you when you connect with the wisdom and love within. Break free from limitations, beliefs, and emotional patterns, and experience true freedom in your body. Get ready to connect with your highest self and unlock your full potential.

The Three Part Series


Break Free From the Mind’s Limitations

  • Limitless Mindset: By breaking free from limiting beliefs and thoughts, you cultivate a mindset of unlimited possibilities, expanding your potential and embracing a world of boundless opportunities.

  • Joyful Fulfillment: Shedding the constraints of the mind allows you to experience profound joy and fulfillment in your life. By embracing new empowering beliefs, you create a foundation for happiness and contentment in alignment with your true desires.

  • Embracing Personal Power: As you tap into your highest knowing, you reclaim your personal power and confidently navigate life's challenges. This transformation empowers you to live authentically, make aligned choices, and embrace a life of purpose and fulfilment.

Part Two delves into breaking free from the mind. Our minds can either propel us forward toward our goals or pulls us back or keep us in the cycle of feeling stuck. Our minds hold to so many stories, patterns and beliefs, when we can Identify and overcome the limiting beliefs and thoughts we are able to tap into the innate wisdom from within . Tap into your highest knowing and embrace a life of joy and fulfilment, free from fear. Create new beliefs that empower and align with your desires. Step into a realm of possibility where anything is achievable.

Part Three

Unleash Your Full Potential 

  • Embrace Authentic Truth: In this phase, you will embrace a new truth that is rooted in love, not fear. By shedding old patterns and limiting beliefs, you will connect with your authentic self and align your thoughts, actions, and desires with a genuine sense of purpose and meaning.

  • Unshakeable Confidence: Through the journey of self-discovery and empowerment, you will build unshakeable confidence. As you embrace your worthiness and step into your personal power, you will no longer be bound by external validation or societal expectations. Instead, you will radiate self-assuredness and carry yourself with a deep sense of confidence and self-belief.

  • Design a Life of Freedom and Fulfillment: Part Three is about reclaiming your sovereignty and designing a life that aligns with your authentic desires. You will break free from external influences and societal norms, creating a life that resonates with your true essence. This newfound freedom allows you to experience love, joy, and fulfillment from within, as you live life on your own terms and in your fullest potential.

In Part Three, it's time for embodiment and empowerment. Embrace a new truth rooted in love, not fear. Build unshakeable confidence to live in your personal power and worthiness. Reclaim your sovereignty and design a life that resonates with your authentic desires. Experience freedom, love, and fulfillment from within, as you connect with your true essence and live life on your terms and in your fullest potential 


Full Coming Home to You Program is 15 Weeks

Each Series is 5 weeks

Live Weekly Teachings - Access to replay

Live Weekly Group Coaching

Weekly integration resources & support 

Held in a like-minded community 

My undeniable & loving commitment to you and your transformation 

Commencing July 2023

Currently in Early Bird - Fill in the form & I will be in touch so I can better know how I can best support you throughout the journey together